Wednesday, December 1, 2010

A Pasteurized Mind

One would wonder what this is all about ~ its just a note to myself on the most happening past few weeks of lyfe ~ the time period where peak of happiness and melancholy were sinusoidal, where all i want and all i never would want were equally distributed, where friends and strangers were just the same and mind finally ends up in a state now called 'blank'.

The precursors were pretty subtle and oddly instincts and intuitions went void. All that was expected was fun, laughter and a bleak silence within ;accomplice to these were many. Leave alone external entities ~ the self surprises given ~ tremendous ones !!

Depth of certain relationships, shallowness of certain attitudes, intensity of certain bondings, strength of certain thoughts, virility of certain beliefs ~ least of the most I can mention ~ and yeah the time given was less than the time moon takes to cycle the earth !!

Live the moment was the most valuable lesson learnt and invariably forced to implement to remain sane. Prioritize the priorities ~ an episode that served a blessing in disguise. Someone somewhere said 'lyfe' would be an adventure ~ never expected this roll-a-coasta adventure.

Ground zero ~ ripped off and scattered around is fragments of one, putting together pieces to make picture perfect or compositing into trash lies in the hands of the architect. And finally its time for some reality check !!