Sunday, February 22, 2009

For those who do not waste time in FaceBook - 'One Life, One World - she loves every bit of them'

after much search about how to write a note in fb, here comes mine........

1. I wrote 40 weird, out-of-the-world wishes in my moral science class, while my entire class was thinking hard to write hardly 3!!! ~ whimsical am i!!!

2. Not just my wishes - my moods, taste buds, interests, liking, love, hate, goals........ everything about me change every moment i live.

3. I contradict myself in many ways - and yes have been a great bonehead in trying to explain this to the those I consider must know !!!

4. People take me joking when am serious and serious when am seriously joking!! - but that hurts when my dear ones also do that.

5. Have always felt NO one knows me or would know me.

6. I take life as it comes, but looking back i feel i was the one who made my life as good as it is now!!!

7. I am a self-made person. Learned a lot from my surroundings and owe it all to the wonderful books i read as a young student. Even now, it only takes a little interesting quote to bring me back to my senses.

8. I have always believed and followed 'the secret' (without knowing its existence) until the book came out!!!

9. I am easily hurt. But that'll last not even for a time period we call 'instant'.

10. I love meeting new people and making friends (but can never at places i feel the friendship could look obligatory even tho it is not e.g I got hardly a handful of friends from my work place).

11. People say i talk a lot - I am easily irritated by people who dont, can i afford to live irritated with myself?? But I get entirely shut down by people who talk as good as i do!! Hoping to get over that syndrome since time immemorial!!

12. I wanna live life fully. New things every moment. New places every time. New work often. Never repeat what either I or someone else has done already. I can never accept myself follow someone else's path. Even if i do, there would be something really distinct that would make it my way!!! 'Passion to make a Difference' - probably this is why I was so impressed and found my way into my first job at my then dream firm!!

13. There are no two people I can respect, love, hate, fight with, be angry at, cuddle with and think of on earth as much as I my two little kids - my parents.

13. I always used to imagine (or even believe) in school dayz that my parents are watching my every act in class thro some hidden cam. Probably I wished they did. And again probably thats why NOW I click so many pics - to capture my every moment for them to cherish!!

14. My acts are known not to just someone.. literally even a person whom I have known just for 5 min would know as much about me as years old friends. There can never be something about me not known to at least someone. Ill either tell and do or do and tell !!

15. I would be made the comedian where ever i go - and u know what ?? - i love that!!

16. Two sayings changed my entire thought process -
"It is no use keeping in mind things that can be easily got out of textbooks" (and internet)
- Albert Einstein
"Please please do not read if you cannot remember what you read"
- someone i met somewhere
So consequently there went the only two jobs I was good at.

17. I lost entire interest in my life, studies, job, competitive spirit, love, art, movies, music, studies again, books, friends, places and even food - only when i started searching for the real meaning of life , love, 'who i am' and existence. ( So i stopped it - but the tremendous loss is yet to be recovered and has left an emptiness deep within me )

18. I respect people for who they are rather than for what they are - have friends from every strata of life. Have always believed even the worst human could be befriended with a little of 'me'.

19. I have done more thinking in the past six months than all my past days put together. I have learned so much in and about 'life, living and people' since the day i stepped into this country. Also i noticed that i lost interest in the little things of life - rain in India used to be my friend. Excitement is something i last remember when i first traveled out of my country. But I have never been happier about myself than this one good thing i did to myself!!

20. Irony is always people who adore me are either not in my family or not in my house !! So My family consists more of my friends than blood related ones.

21. I am very bad in understanding people and trust everyone very easily.
I stopped trusting anyone cause no one is worth it - partially because I lost trust in myself.
I trust no one but myself always.

22. I always used to redo my work in school so many times that i hoped sometime in life i would not wish to relive(redo) it!! I love to be the girl I was in school - with the maturity i have now.

23. I am comfortable in excelling at things that I am forced not to do and those without a deadline. I terribly hate even the slightest demanding or ordering tone from anyone and would do the exact opposite even if it is what i most wanted to do ( "don't study" and "bunk school" are the words my mom most used all my school days ) .

24. People say am a perfect scorpion tho i always wished they could tell me what they meant by that!!

25. I love my date of birth 31st October 1985. It seemed very significant (to me at least) and have thanked myself(yes myself) so much for not being born on any other day or month or year. But till few years back I have always met up with something unhappy that happened on on around that date. I also had this dogma that every even year (1994, 1996...) I would have something most embarrassing to shame me for a lifetime and I used to be expectant of it. (thankfully that cycle seemed to have stopped)

26. To me, money is just a paper with more value(even when i have it or don have it). I rather have friends and coupons to a hotel, shop or theater than cash. (barter system still makes sense to me and am sure i would work more if not for just money)

27. I always loved or hated something. Only now in the process of learning to hang somewhere between the two emotions.

28. I love to play the piano, do special art (not just drawing and painting), swim and work out - first three my mom would take blame for not allowing me when i wanted to learn, last one - like hell.. everyone has the same problem - its not just me who doesn't work out!!

29. I have never understood the concept of suicide. God is the only being that you are answerable to. So whats the point in killing oneself?? - u can kill only your bodily life on earth. And you will only get to meet HIM earlier in the process of the soul - might as well stay and see what more HE has in store for you on earth than jumping off into another world even without knowing whats in store for u either there or here!!! Also talking logic and not metaphysics - we are all humans - just another animal on earth with supposedly more intelligence(by that we mean we do things other animals do not or cannot do). Why get scared of consequences that do not count in the huge history of evolution and kill oneself?? Now don't tell me its the survival of the fittest!!! I rather live in some corner of the earth rather than get killed either by myself or by someone else for either money or love(which are the only two reasons any killing is rooted).

30. I used to be patriotic. But now I am not. That doesn't mean i don't love my country(yeah i really don't). I rather love people and believe in humanity. I feel sad for all soldiers both in India and Pakistan, Middle East and the US. Poverty is not confined to India (so i alter my idea of working towards eradicating poverty in India alone to wherever poverty exists).
I can never tolerate negative thoughts or people who emanate negative energy about them !!
I have extended up to 30 points and still feel there is more to say. The last few points are long enough because i wanted to say more with little extra points. Also I believe this is the only notes in which I have at least tried to use punctuation as it should be used and have said more than i have ever said to anyone all my only Life!!!


  1. woww...very interesting insights. I dont understand the title though. Given a chance,what title wud i give it? all about V or V - the hidden truth, may be
    understand V in 30 points. :)... Today i was changing the "about me" section in orkut. guess what? For 15 minutes, i didn't know what to write there. and here you are - 30 points. I feel like one of those kids in your moral science class! :)

    Some of the points brought a big smile to my face.

    13 - The secret behind the photo mania? ;) (Some ppl are superstitious enuf to skip the number 13. But you keep two 13s.)
    14 - lol..true!
    15 - Point noted!
    17 - whew! what's that?
    21 - Are you not trusting me (or my roomies) ? ;)...Do trust us. we are trust-worthy! :)
    24 - Even i feel - you are a perfect scorpio! ;)

    good post - sincere and honest.

    Many of them would change over time. (point 2, right? - wow..i am quoting it like bible now! lol) As Surya said in Vaaranam Ayiram , these points would be very interesting to read after 10-15 years!

  2. dear priya,
    that was very beautiful dear..i know u to be one of the few persons who lives life to the fullest..u have a very optimistic view about life & living..i've always admired u for that..
    this article was also a revelation and it has told me a lot more about u..
    a few facts are contradictory, but as you yourself have said, you are a contradictory person(i'm one too)..
    u must tell me what u have learnt in these past few months after coming to the US, as u mention it often..
    totally, i consider this an excellent autobiography!!
    keep rocking, sweetheart!!

  3. i can vouch that ... if not all, at least 3rd point is correct and last two lines of 21 proves them :)

    seems like you are into cultural shock, DON'T go to international center (inspired form point # 23rd)

  4. I wish I knew 16 early ..'s never too late...


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